Tecnológica / Brasil Telecom
Tecnológica Informática operates in CDR collecting market for 12 years. It owns 100% of the installed collection of Brasil Telecom (today Oi region 2).
Part of the equipment installed at BRT are old and obsolete, and also there is not avaliable replacement parts. Additionally, they use an old technology that brings some durability and maintenance problems. Some of these problems are:
- Use of movable components
- DOS Operating System
- Large and metallic structure
Tecnológica chose our products to replace a part of the park installed.
The XL-Telecom collector was chosen for having all the collection interfaces existing in the BRT switches. Additionally, the XL-Telecom has high availability sources and a local storage area of 4GB. Currently, more than 100 Oi region 2 switches are operating with the XL-Telecom.

Tecnológica, which manages and supports these collectors, had the following results:
- The maintenance became easier and cheaper because the XL-Telecom is lighter and easier to install.
- The configuration and remote maintenance beaome easier because XL-Telecom has a setup and monitoring application and Operating System Linux.
- XL-Telecom became more durable under BRT environment because it has no movable parts, such as fans and hard disk.